Tuesday, 30 August 2011

End of day treat

Lakes best beer tastes better in Yorkshire. Taking on extra liquids for big 20 miler tomorrow, Julia would be proud of us!


Anonymous said...

Only took me five days to work out how to view pictures, I'm such an IT whizz !!!!!!
Bit of a change in scene in the last pic!! Well I suppose you deserve it .
Looking forward to the next update.
Love Dawn

Anonymous said...

Great blog - looks like your having lots of fun. Are you getting bored of each others company yet? Let me know when this is so and i'll come to the rescue with an obscure challenge.


Anisa Bottrill said...

Good to see some things never change!
Also glad to see you have found alternative company; too much time alone with Steve is enough to send anyone crazy! Shame its not Julia though; who is this Julia by the way?! Must 'Goggle' her!
Keep going!
Love from Anisa x